Team Credits

Credits for work included in the game:


Jack Wright: lighting and link to fuse box, area blocking, isometric camera, torch functionality, inspect component, voice acting audio editing,

Daniel Bethel: see through walls, interactable object outline, main menu UI, character movement

Kylie Lassmans: indent, radio audio editing, in game tip UI, control remapping, options menu, pause menu, controller support, inspect interaction prototype.

Robyn Botham: level audio, reactionary audio, spatial audio, speech interactions and branching dialogue, skill check component, thought UI and basic interaction component, inventory, documentation.


Robyn Botham: lead designer, level dressing, clue implementation, branching dialogue implementation, story development, Inventory UI artist, skill check UI, speech bubble UI, clue design, dialogue scripting, sound sourcing,

Josh Edgar: level blockout

Dylan Whitelegg: animation blueprint, VFX, computer UI

Stefan Gosav: model imports

Concept art:

Ria Johnston: robot concept art, cover image

Kevin bacani: revolver concept

Elliott spratt: main character concept art, notebook page art

Peter taylor: environment concepts, key art

Max Stansfield: environmental concept art

Environment: Jake Scothern: Stairs, modular wall models (unused), metal container

Katie Kendrick: cassette player and tape, long table, electric box, robot scanner, conveyors, metal container, padlock, pipe wrench, rubble, torch

Praveen Raveendrakumar – nothing useable or not submitted

Jacob parker: fuel can

Sarwar Chowdhury: steam boiler

Dylan Whitelegg: monitor, screwdriver


Ria Johnston: robot high poly model

Sam isaacs: detective model

Jaz Hoyle: animations


Week 7 Review 828 MB
May 12, 2024

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