Installing relevant Unity packages

Yarn Spinner 

The dialogue viewer uses Yarn Spinner to handle dialogue, this allows for east to read and write branching dialogue, originally based on twine. Yarn Spinner uses an MIT license which does not require attribution in projects and can be used for commerical means.

To add the Yarn Spinner package to Unity you can follow the insturctions layed out on their wesbite here: .

You can also find out more about yarn spinner and view their documentation which will tell you how to use it and write scripts here:

New input system

As the new input system was developed by Unity it can easily be installed through Unitys registry. 

Window > packet manager > packages: unity registry > input system > install. 

There is lots of tutorials online about how to set up the new input system and how it works. This might be useful if you intend on using the new input system for your entire project, as it is event based, unlike the old input system which requires you check for inputs (usually on update). If you want to remain on the old input system for most of your project but need the new input system for this asset, you can set unity to use both by going to:

edit > project settings > player > other settings > configuration > set active input handling to both.

The asset currently uses the following actions to work, these will need to be included (and correctly named) in your input actions asset in order for it to work, You can assign whatever inputs you wish to it, but the below are what are currently being used by the asset.



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